Fellowcraft Progressing In The Right Direction In The Polytechnic Lodge

Brother Foivos Tzavalas, who was initiated into the Polytechnic Lodge in February this year is heading onwards and upwards in Freemasonry.

At our last regular meeting, Brother Foivos was passed to the second degree of a Fellowcraft in a splendid ceremony conducted by Worshipful Brother Bill Dadswell, LGR, SLGCR a well respected Past Master of our Lodge.

For the Medieval stonemasons, this degree marked a craftsman’s progression from an apprentice to a journeyman. In Freemasonry, the second degree represents the symbolic growth from youth to manhood as a Brother accepts more responsibility within the fraternity and commits to studying its teachings. As he grows in knowledge, he becomes a “fellow of the craft.”

Many Freemasons consider the second degree among the most moving ceremonies in the craft. At this stage, a Brother is expected to use the wisdom he’s gained through life’s many experiences to face any challenge that may come. During this degree, he delves deeper into the philosophies and symbolism of the craft.

Brother Foivos said, “After the opening of our lodge and the minutes being confirmed came the big moment – the Passing ceremony. It’s my turn to progress from Entered Apprentice to Fellowcraft. As I go through the ritual, I feel myself growing and changing, like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. Each step brings new insights and perspectives, helping me better understand the mysteries of our Craft.

As I reflect on my journey from Entered Apprentice to Fellowcraft, I’m filled with a sense of pride and gratitude. I’ve come a long way since that first day in the lodge, and I know there’s still so much more to learn and experience. But no matter where this Masonic journey takes me, one thing’s for sure – I’ll always cherish the bonds of brotherhood that i’ve formed along the way.”

Upon completion of Brother Foivo’s ceremony there followed an initiation of a new candidate into the Lodge. Brother Foivos surprised us all by perfectly delivering part of the ritual that he had only heard himself once before at his own initiation.